The Kingdom of Fungi is one of the largest kingdoms of life on the planet, with an estimated four to five million species. However, to date
scientists have only described about 200,000 of them. Yet fungi are a vital part of the ecosystem and most people don’t realize that without
fungi there would be no forests.
The Balipara Foundation is on a mission to document and conserve the wild fungi in one of the richest and most biodiverse places on the
planet – the Eastern Himalayas, continually threatened with habitat destruction and now climate change. In 2018, The Balipara Foundation
and the Kunming Institute of Botany jointly launched a study on the Mushroom diversity of the North-Eastern part of India. Through this
study we seek to understand the biodiversity of fungal species in the Eastern Himalayas, as well as their potential as alternative, sustainable
sources of income and household nutrition for rural and impoverished communities.
550+ Species
58+ Edible Species
Mushrooms Identified
64+ Medicinal
1+ New Bioluminescent Species
Mushrooms Identified
3+ Scientific Publications
Journal Publications
6+ Community Mushroom Units
Cultivation Units