
Workshop with Assam Valley School on Herbarium Techniques & Biodiversity Conservation

Highlights of the Programme:

>Eastern Himalayan Naturenomics™ School has organised 1 day Programme for two groups of 15 Participants.

>Eastern Himalayan Naturenomics™ School  has organised one programme for the Community House wives from Baligaon Miri Green Village.

> Certification after completion of Eastern Himalayan Naturenomics™ School  – 1 day Programme. Eastern Himalayan Naturenomics™ School  has organised 1 day Programmes for two groups i.e. on 14th and 23rd August 17 for a family of 3 and for a group of community house wives of 12 people respectively.

Programmes started with an introduction session between participants and facilitator, followed by the programmes:

1. Botanic Trail to explore & immerse in the botanic grandeur of the Eastern Himalayas.

2. Awareness workshop on Snake bite management.

3. Project Environment-Waste management.

4. Plants Around us.

5. About Birds

1. Botanic Trail: A trail is conducted by  by Sangita Deka at the Eastern Himalayan Botanic Ark, where participants learned about the different local and endemic plants along with their importance to the ecosystem.

2. Awareness workshop on Snake bite management: A workshop was conducted by Gautam  Baruah to spread awareness on snakes & snake bite management.

The following key points were discussed during the workshop:

1. Types of snakes.

2. Identification of venomous and non-venomous snake.

3. Identification of Snake bite mark  of venomous and non-venomous snake.

4. First aid for  a snake bite for both venomous and non-venomous.

  5. Where to go if a snake bites.

6. What to do if someone encounter a snake.

Objective: The workshop on Snake Bite Awareness focussed on sharing knowledge on myths and truth about snakes and to mitigate harm from a snake even from a non-venomous one, whenever and wherever spotted. The workshop helps to identify and encourage the concept of living with snakes in harmony. One of the major objectives of this workshop is to spread awareness on first aid measures to mitigate spread of poison from a snake bite.

After the workshop there was an interaction session between the participants and facilitator where participants raised question of their interest and cleared doubts.

2. Project Environment-Waste management:  A lecture and presentation was given by Chinu Brahma on Waste management i.e., on 3R’S (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). Videos on Reuse of plastic bottles and Kitchen waste composting are presented to the participants.

The following were the key points of discussion:

1. Importance of waste management

2. 3R’S of waste

3. How to reduce and manage plastic waste

4. Kitchen waste management and composting

5. Importance of segregation of waste

Objective: Waste management is an initiative towards the protection of the environment and health of the people. A promising way towards a future of better waste management is reusing and recycling the materials.

3. Plants Around us: A knowledge sharing session was conducted by Chinu Brahma on Plants, Its importance, classification, distribution and some basic techniques for plant identification. Followed by field study that the Eastern Himalayan Botanic Ark, where participants were given a task to collect a plant of their own choice and identify it by observing its characteristics.

Objective: Participants learned classification, distribution and techniques of plant identification and importance of plants in their daily life and overall. And how plants interact with and contribute to their environment through plant water relation. We encouraged them  to critically assess the importance of Botany and the role it can play in conservation.

4. About Birds: A knowledge sharing session was conducted by Manu Saikia on Birds. Participants were taught about the basic techniques of Bird identification, 5 most important and endangered Birds of Assam and 5 most common Birds at the Eastern Himalayan Botanic Ark.

Objective: Participants  learned the basic techniques of bird identification, its importance and the role they play in balancing the ecosystem.

Certification: Participants were given certificates after the completion of the Eastern Himalayan Naturenomics School 1 day programme.