Catherine Marciniak

Videographer, Australia

Catherine Marciniak has had a distinguished career as a documentary director, writer and cinematographer creating programs for Australian and international television. Ms. Catherine Marciniak is a volunteer trainer for the international scientific research and community education, raising awareness about the role that fungi plays in life on the planet through her mentoring skills in photography and videography.

Stephen Axford

Fungi Photographer, Australia

Mr. Axford has an international reputation as a specialist in nature photography with a particular passion in macro fungi photography. He also has a unique expertise in time- lapse photography of fungi. His photographs have appeared on international websites and in international books and magazines, including: Nat Geo Magazine, the 2014 IUCN ‘Red List of Threatened Species’, the Daily Mail UK, etc., while his fungi time-lapses were featured in the BBC Planet Earth 2 blue chip natural science documentary, etc. Ms. Marciniak is a renowned ABC (Australia) Features Reporter, with a 30 year old background as a master cinematographer and director.
